Donator ==> V.VIP, VIP or Advanced Member

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Donator ==> V.VIP, VIP or Advanced Member

Post by Shu »


You can either donate and get instant access or you can participate and help the community to earn your access
- 28€ or more you'll get V.VIP access
- less than 28€ or more than 20€ you'll get VIP access
- less than 20€ or more than 10€ => Advanced member access

Advanced member : all the available options in the mod
VIP : all the available options in the mod + access to the beta section & VIP releases of course.
V.VIP : Access to Secret features

Ethereum wallet: 0xc6b79969A07B05097A62B912bFcCD145E090c048

Please enter this when you make a donation : "Donation for Abuze Mod + <V.VIP|VIP|Adv> + <nickname>"

Code: Select all

<nickname> = you have to enter your forum nickname (or more than 1 nickname if it's a mass register, check bottom of the post)
<V.VIP>, <VIP> or <Adv> you choose between one of them
You type V.VIP if you've donated enough to be a
You type VIP if you've donated enough to be a vip
You type Adv if you've donated enough to be an advanced member
For example, I've made a 20€ donation i will enter the following sentence :
Donation for Abuze Mod + VIP + Shu

Since accounts are personal !
You can get deleted if you share your account, you'll then loose your status !

You can also pay via bank transfer, just pm me
Last edited by Shu on 14 Jan 2007, 22:22, edited 18 times in total.
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Post by Dedalus »

:lol: Can you smell the sweet breeze of capitalism???? Just a joke!!!
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Post by Shu »

Dedalus wrote: :lol: Can you smell the sweet breeze of capitalism???? Just a joke!!!

héhé :D
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Post by carllfo »

He's not asking for much, just donate what you can afford, or enough for him to get a drink in the disco will probably satisfy :lol:
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Post by Shu »

carllfo wrote: He's not asking for much, just donate what you can afford, or enough for him to get a drink in the disco will probably satisfy :lol:
sure that's perfect :D 6€ vodka red bull, 7€ whisky coke ;)
yea i stopped beers even if i'm in belgium :P
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Post by JazzMatazz »

Shu wrote: sure that's perfect :D 6€ vodka red bull, 7€ whisky coke ;)
yea i stopped beers even if i'm in belgium :P
Thats bloody expensive! 4€ for long drinks here.
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Post by CrazyGuy »

I always try and support people via donation systems...I just haven't donated yet :)

EDIT: Can you go over the differences in each of the user groups with respect to the mod? IE: members get this: xy; advanced get this: xyz; VIP get this: xyzabc; etc?
Last edited by CrazyGuy on 07 Dec 2005, 03:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by zarquon »

Shu, you should put a paypal button on the home page.
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Post by Shu »

zarquon wrote: Shu, you should put a paypal button on the home page.
yea i'll do it ^^
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Post by EvilCheese »

Shu wrote: yea i'll do it ^^
Ill get around to it, dont worry :P Ill post it in the top right of the banner on top of the page.

Post by solid80 »

Yeah.. i'm very happy with the shu release... so i donated a bit... every bit helps!!
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Post by carllfo »

CSI wrote: Yeah.. i'm very happy with the shu release... so i donated a bit... every bit helps!!
Make sure you PM Shu then, otherwise he will not know where the money came from ;)

Post by solid80 »

owe.. really... didnt knew i had to do that.. :lol:

But will PM him... but what should i say.. ' Hi shu, i donated some money " ... lol thats sounds so lame! :lol:
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Post by JazzMatazz »

Shu, how much would either of these requests cost me:
- Individual faking per torrent
- Individual faking per tracker. (I enter tracker is a TXT or something)

ALternatively if the above is too hard to programme:
- Stop faking for individual torrent
- Stop fkaing for specifics tracker(s)
- There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those who dont.

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Post by solid80 »

JazzMatazz wrote:
- Stop faking for individual torrent
This would be indeed a cool feature!! Cause sometimes on low peers i would like it to stop! while the other torrents keep running normally!
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